There are three Dragoons in the box. Two normal troopers and a specialist. These models come in multiple parts, with the main body of the troopers armoured suit, or walker, being in resin, and all other parts being in metal. The bodies of the troopers are one piece, with two arms to attach to each. The walkers come as resin main body, two legs and a gun to be mounted on the shoulder.
Box Contents
In terms of flash, the resin parts were very clean, with no mold lines, and just a little nub on each to clean off, that removed itself with ease. The metal parts had more flash than I have come to expect from Spartan Games, but none that was hard to remove, and there are next to no mould lines to worry about,
I was disappointed not to be able to build the unit as I had planned, so I went ahead and bought another box, and there were no mispacks in that one, so the assembly I talk about here is of the second box (although of course I can build two of the tree minis from the first box too). Having two boxes also means I can swap out one of the normal troopers for the specialist if i really need to save those two points. Furthermore, I can run two sections of these in a game, if I so desire. I doubt I will do this, as I have become rather attached to the Hussars that they would replace
There is a bit of trial and error when building these models to see which set of legs goes with which trooper, as there is only one right way. A little more explanation as to which legs go with which body would be very helpful. The most fiddly part of the assembly is attaching the lower arms. Due to the nature of the minis, it's extremely hard to dry-fit the arms with the body in the exoskeleton. I have heard that some people have pinned these which a job of work as the arms, like most of Spartan's 32mm minis, are very thin. I tried to pin one, then gave up and used greenstuff to weld the join the elbow. This seems to be holding, but even then requires patience.
All in all, I am happy with these guys. The flash is easily removed, leaving not patching required, and the mold lines are minimal. The assembly required is not negligible, and requires patience. I won't count the mispack/miscast against them, as Spartan seem to be quick to rectify these matters.
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