My New Years gift this year was the
General Conveyor. The APC option for a Kingdom of Britannia Infantry Section. I was initially unsure as to whether I would need one of these, but I got one anyway. It will allow me to have the option of greater mobility for one section on the field, and the model goes well with the other armoured options (the
Bassets and the
Terrier). Also, I was intrigued by the driver options, and I wanted to see them for myself.
As to what was included in the box, here's a run down of the contents:
Activation cards. Two are included, however, since this model is fielded as an add-on option for an existing Infantry Section, there is no need for any to be included. Kudos for Spartan in giving more than we need.
The metal parts of the mini include the turret doors, which are the same doors as you get on the Basset Tankettes, and the Terrier Ironclad. Great job for Spartan, as this means less moulds to make, but also good news for people who like a little uniformity in their forces. As you can see in the picture, I got an extra one. That'll be useful if another one falls off, or just for the bits box. There are also 4 metal treads, which go on top of the resin parts to complete the treads of the APC. These are nicely thought out, and fit really well. There is a little flash on these parts, but nothing that is not very easily rectified.

The crewman comes in two options, one taller than the other. The shorter of the two allows you to have the turret doors closed (there's a gap to allow you to see the back of his helmet if you do). I don't quite see the need for this option, but I am not going to complain, as he will find use somewhere else for sure, maybe for another Basset, if I could ever possibly think of a reason to field four of them. Otherwise, I'm sure there'll be another tank out for the faction at some point that will use him. The other small piece of resin on the right here is the hitch for the APC, which has the tow rule. There is nothing anywhere that says as such, just what I have gathered from the forums. A little more info on this would not be amiss, but taking it as the hitch, there's really only one place to put it.
The front and back of the Conveyor. Nicely detailed, little to no flash, and fit together very well with the other resin parts.
The two sides of the model are the same part included twice. This means there are less parts to cast for each model. There is some small bits of resin flash on one side, but they are on the part of the mini that is covered by the metal treads shown above, so a bit of filing and it's a non-issue.
The floor of the model. Not symmetrical, but I don't see that it matters which way round it is placed.
Overall, I'm impressed by the simplicity of the design, he lack of work needed to get rid of flash and spare resin, and the way the parts fit together smoothly to make the model. A great kit, if not a little over priced. Not for the kit itself, but for it's worth on the table. It's a pretty chunk of resin for what it does (move a small amount of troops around a little faster and a little safer).
The (almost) finishes results:
The driver and turret door configuration has to be determined, but I like the fact that there are some nice flat spaces on all sides of the APC. This will allow me to personalise it, with some insignia and other markings. This was something I found lacking on the Terrier, as despite it's larger size, it is too busy with sculpting detail to personalise in the way I wanted.
All in all, I give this kit a 8 out of 10, with the Canadian price tag dropping it from a 10. I may put it up to a 9 if I get my moneys-worth out of it on the table. This is a nice model, with crisp, clean casting. The detail is very visible, and not overpowering. This should be easy enough to paint up.