Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Dystopian Legion: Knightly Orders, Light Dragoons

I have finally finished with the Light Dragoons. These guys took forever, and as always, once you take some good pics of your minis, you see them in all their sloppy glory, so have to go back and work on them some more!

Either way, these guys are ready for the table, (not that two unit's will be seeing the table at the same time very often).

I was particularly proud of the hat bands on their glengarrys. The check looks fine from a distance, but up close, not so much.

Here are some group shots. The close ups are Under the cut at the bottom of the post.


To distinguish between the two sections, the bases are different. One with fences, and the second section with some bricks/tiles on them. I had originally though to do them with different colour facings on the uniforms, but this way they can all be fielded in one unit, is I don't want to put them on the table with their specialist in tow (the guys with the big guns).

Now, on to the individual pics of each Knight. Warning, that's a lot of pictures after the cut. Click on the pictures for larger versions, that way you can see all the flaws in my paint job!

Monday, August 11, 2014

IHMN: Society of Thule, Dr Kobalt

Here is this month's miniature for the Colore Ton Monde painting challenge. Again, an early finish this month, and again, this is leaving me with plenty of time to get on with painting my Dystopian Legion Light Dragoons (those guys are taking forever for some reason).

Dr Kobalt is Count von Stroheim's personal artificer, and the brains behind the Tod-truppen. His Arc generator means that any Jager that fall in his vicinity are raised again as Tod-truppen.

This month's theme was archaeology, but it could also be stretched to cover scientific types (there are not many straight archaeological miniatures). Therefore, this guy fits right in.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Geeks of the North

For those of you who listen to podcasts or the like whilst painting of an evening, I have a new wargaming Podcast fo you to try. Geeks of the North is made by a couple of the local gamers, and fellow members of the Oldies group I go to.

This is their first offering, so, you can hear the jitters in their voices at the very start, but they soon settle in. The topics of conversation for this episode are Club Chaos, Chaosludik, Northern Defenders and Gen Con. 

Check out the facebook page here, and twitter here. The podcast page here. So why don't you go line up Episode 0 and have a listen.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Colore ton Monde August: Archaeology

It's that time of the month again (i.e. the beginning) where we see the results of last month's painting challege, and start another. July's entries can all be found  on facebook here for those of you who have such technology.

My entry was posted a while back (I was organised last month), and can be found here.

This month's challenge is as follows.

* Archéo-truc *
Le mois d'août est le mois de l'archéologie. Pour le souligner, nous vous invitons à peindre un modèle représentant un scientifique, un chercheur, un explorateur, etc. Vous pouvez aussi peindre une antiquité, un modèle que vous avez depuis belle lurette.
August is the month of archaeology. To emphasise this, we invite you to paint a model representing a scientist, researcher, exploreer, etc. You can also paint an antique, a model that you've had for a long long time.

The first mini that sprang to mind was Proffesor Pendrake, but I've already painted him for a previous Colore ton Monde, so he's out. A quick look at the paint queue struck glod, as there's a scientist member of my Society of Thule IHMN crew sitting at the front. I would rather have found something more archaologically slanted, but science counts.

I am also tempted to go into my recently recovered boxes of old minis and see what I can dig out. There's some gold in there that might be fun.